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About Goldy Industrial Machinery

Goldy Industrial Machinery Private Limited (GIMPL) was established in the year 2011 with a view to further diversify the interests of the parent company Goldy Projects Private limited which has been specializing in project management activities for the last thirty years. GIMPL is a company focused to meet all our customers’ requirements and provide tailor made solutions to each customer. It is a one stop shop for all your Hydraulic Jack requirements. We have a state of the art facility to manufacture hydraulic jacks of various capacities. We indigenously have developed the power packs to optimize and provide end to end solution for any type of job. With in-depth knowledge and first-hand experience of constructing Tanks ourselves, we have developed our products to satisfy every need of the customer continue...


  • Safety First
  • No Scaffolding required
  • Welding at ground level
  • Lesser Manpower
  • Easier Inspection
  • Faster Erection
  • Jacking used the world over